Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Nation's Capital

Okay! So we're having a pop quiz!!

What city is the capital of Canada???


Well, here's a hint, it's in....

Still don't know? Well that's okay because I didn't know either! lol It's OTTAWA!

Brian and I went to Ottawa on Saturday afternoon to meet up with a friend of his from New York, Ryan. Well, Ryan's girlfriend is from there, and they were in town for the weekend. So we trecked the two hour drive over there and took in a few sights and had dinner with them. Here are a few of the things we saw:

This is the hotel the Queen stays in when she visits...and yes, I mean the Queen of England! Little known fact outside of Canada: It is still actually owned by the British! The Queen is on all of the money and everything! It's wild!

The Peace Flame - each of the crests stand for the different provinces

This is the Parliament building. Fun side note - The Parliament Library is behind this, and during the war of 1812, the Americans actually burned it to the ground (right before then came back and burned our white house)!!

I can't remember which, but another government building.

1 comment:

  1. 'ello poppet! everytime i hear Brittish, i think butterbeer, quidditch and harrypotterpuppetpals =) it looks so beautiful! thanks for the pictures!
