So we haven't’ been up to a whole lot lately. Brian’s been working a lot (he had to work all weekend! Boo!), and we’ve still been looking for a place to live and a job for me. I’ll keep you updated on both!
However, I have been doing a little cooking here and there….
Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies!!
These are the easiest cookies to make ever! All you need is a box of strawberry cake mix, half a cup of vegetable oil, two eggs, and half a bag of mini chocolate chips.
Mix, and roll into balls. Bake at 350 for about 8 minutes and then….
Ian was such a great helper, and we had fun! Not to mention the cookies were super cute and yummy! Shout out and thank you to (Twin) Kasey Forste for the recipe!!
Homemade Corn Chowder
I have to thank Brian’s Aunt Carol in Glen’s Falls for this one! I helped her make it when she was here a few weeks ago, but I was nervous to do it on my own! All you need is some leftover corn on the cob, water, cream, an onion, bacon, and salt, pepper, and herbs to taste.
Cut all of the corn off of the cobs.
Then, boil the cobs as you would a bone to make a stock. Cook some bacon well done so that it crumbles. Save the grease to cook your diced onion in it.
Take out the cobs and add the corn and sautéed onions and simmer. Remove about half the corn and run it through a food processor. Put it back in the soup and add the cream. Last, crumble the bacon into the soup!
It had great flavor…was a little thinner than I would have liked, but it’s kind of a guessing game until you get it right!
I have decided that once I get my own kitchen, I want to blog a little more about my cooking adventures…bc it really is an adventure most of the time! lol If you try one of my recipes, I’d love to hear about it!!
IAN! He is super sweet-- Love ya CUZ and miss you bunches! yummy recipes my little homemaker